Dr. Cynthia the founder and director of American Ethnic Ministries, has been involved in ethnic ministries in America for over two decades. She went to medical school to train for overseas, but God had other plans. Dr. Cynthia has spent years studying Islam, Buddhism, and other religions from primary sources. Now she is active is active in outreaches as well as organizing, training, researching, and writing. Women’s rights under Islam is a special interest of hers, as are the changes in the Koran. She is a popular speaker on a wide variety of topics.

“In medicine I diagnose cancer every day,” Dr. Pettross tells us, “and have done hundreds of autopsies. This has really sharpened my sense of how short our lives are. The two most important questions for every person are, Why am I here? and Where will I go when I die?

“Before Jesus left earth he gave his followers two instructions: love everyone, and take the gospel – the good news of his kingdom and salvation in his name – to all peoples. It gives me joy to share this love with people from all over the world, in our own country. They don’t know it, but Acts 17 tells us that God brought them here for this very purpose!” American Ethnic Ministries is active in several states. We produce a large amount of work with limited funds full by using many trained volunteers, along with our full and part time evangelists/researchers.

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